Tuesday, October 12, 2021

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Below is the full text of the speech delivered to Labour conference by party leader Keir Starmer. Thank you, conference. Thank you, Doreen.

Thank you for your words, thank you for everything you have done for criminal justice, and thank you for everything you have done for the Labour Party. I am proud to call you my friend. Too long. And let me take this first opportunity to thank my brilliant shadow cabinet and fantastic team in the Lords for all their hard work over all those long months.

And Louise Ellman, welcome home. Sunday was particularly nerve racking, but then the results came through. Arsenal 3 — 1 Tottenham. Conference, before I start let me tackle the issue of the day head on. Level up? Ignoring the problem, blaming someone else, then coming up with a half-baked solution. Why do we suddenly have a shortage of HGV drivers? Why is there no plan in place? A tank of fuel where can i buy a speech costs £10 more than it did at the start of the year. Gas and electricity bills up.

Where can i buy a speech on the supermarket shelves. Rent up, especially for those on the lowest incomes. Yet at this very moment, the government is putting up tax on working people. Putting up tax on small businesses and slashing Universal Credit. We have a fuel crisis, a pay crisis, a goods crisis and a cost of living crisis — all at the same time. This is our first full conference since the general election in which we suffered our worst defeat since To our devoted activists and loyal voters I want to say loud and clear.

You saved this party from obliteration and we will never forget it. Thank you. But my job as leader is not just to say thank you to the voters who stayed with us. It is to understand and persuade the voters who rejected us, where can i buy a speech. To the voters who thought we were unpatriotic or irresponsible or that we looked down on them, where can i buy a speech, I say these simple but powerful words.

We will never under my leadership go into an election with a manifesto that is not a serious plan for government. It will not take another election defeat for the Labour party to become an alternative government in which you can trust. We will look back at this moment and ask: How did the nation rebuild after the pandemic?

Did we learn? Did we use the crisis to make the future? I see a government lost in the woods with two paths beckoning. One path leads back where we came from. None of the lessons of Covid are heeded. The flaws that were brutally exposed by the pandemic all worsen. Childhood poverty increases. The crisis in social care gets worse. The housing market is still broken.

Slow and steady decline. But there is another path down which we address the chronic problems revealed by Covid, with the kindness and the togetherness that got us through. That path leads to a future in which a smart government enlists the brilliance of scientific invention to create a prosperous economy and a contribution society in which everyone has their role to play.

It will be a future in which we where can i buy a speech an opportunity out of tackling the climate crisis and in which Britain is once again a confident actor in the world.

I believe in this country and I believe we will go forward. Today, I want to tell you how. Today I want to tell you where can i buy a speech my passions were born and why I am in politics.

The two rocks of my life — the two sources of what I believe to be right and good — are family and work. I am not from a privileged background. My dad was a tool maker in a factory.

He gave me a deep respect for the dignity of work. How beautiful it is, that eye-on-the-object look. I saw that eye-on-the-object look in my dad. The pride that good work brings. It puts food on the table and it provides a sense of dignity. I learnt it round the kitchen table. I learnt it at home, from my dad. How pride derives from work. How work is the bedrock of a good economy. And how a good economy is an essential partner of a good society, where can i buy a speech.

The party of working people. My mum worked incredibly hard too. She was a nurse in the NHS and a very proud nurse too. I got from my mum an ethic of service. But my mum was also, unfortunately, a long-term patient of the NHS. This disease, along with the drugs she had to take to control it, took a heavy toll.

The NHS that had been her livelihood became her lifeline. There were times, many times, when mum was so ill that she had to go into hospital. I remember going into the intensive care unit one day, as I often did.

I knew without being told that they were keeping her alive. I can hardly convey to you the emotion of seeing your mum in that condition. And there was a sort of horrible irony in the moment. And there in front of me, those four nurses were where can i buy a speech to save her life. When that long day was over, I thanked them for what they had done. And they were. So, when I think of the extraordinary dedication of doctors and nurses, working to keep people alive as the Covid virus took hold, I know what that looks like.

I understand what that means and so just as we stood on our doorsteps and applauded. Let this conference ring out its approval to the NHS staff, truly the very best of us, where can i buy a speech.

So, you see, family life taught me about the dignity of work and the nobility of care. But, even with a name like Keir, I was never one of those people reared for politics. I became the first person in my family to go to university, the first to go into the law.

Every day as a lawyer, if you are a young radical as I was, you think of yourself as working for justice. You see people getting a raw deal and you want to help. Justice, to me, was a practical achievement. It was about seeing a wrong and putting it right. That is my approach in politics too. Down to earth. Fixing it. Three very important words. Prosecution tells you that crime hurts and victims need justice to be done.

Service is a reminder that the job is bigger than your own career advancement. I will always remember the day that John and Penny Clough contacted my office. Their daughter Jane was a nurse who had been the victim of terrible domestic abuse. After repeated assaults, where can i buy a speech, Jane had summoned the great courage to report her partner. He was arrested and remanded where can i buy a speech custody. But then, very much against the wishes of the Clough family, he was let out on bail.

Jane lived in constant fear that he would return to harm her. She tried to ensure she never travelled to work alone.

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Aug 27,  · Hate speech is defined as publishing, propagating, or advocating anything that could reasonably be construed to demonstrate a clear intention to be harmful or to incite harm, or promote or Sep 29,  · So, let’s get totally serious about this – we can win the next election. This government can’t keep the fuel flowing, it can’t keep the shelves stocked and you’ve seen what happens when Boris Johnson wants more money – he goes straight for the wallets of working people. Labour is the party that is on the side of working people I CAN Shop. Here you can buy I CAN's resources such as Talk Boost speech and language interventions, Early Talkers Boxset, Progression Tools, Ages and Stages Poster, and many others

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