Sep 14, · The Great Barrier Reef along the North-Eastern Coast of Australia is a place that I am familiar with as I travelled to this destination several years ago. The geography of the Great Barrier Reef is such that it provides a comprehensive underwater ecosystem for thousands of different species of tropical fish as well as coral that make up an area The Great Barrier Reef is a scattering of thousands of individual reefs. The reefs is on the World Heritage List made by UNESCO, because of its size and its many different plants and fishes. The reef lies in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, the world's largest marine park. It has an area of nearly square kilometres. The reef region /5 Aug 24, · Great barrier reef facts - Term Paper - Carbon dioxide formulaBarrier Reef Acidification in the Coral SeaThe oceans and seas have roles of being energy reservoirs. Through this role, they can Carbon dioxide formulaBarrier Reef Acidification in the Coral SeaThe oceans and seas have roles of being energy reservoirs
Why Is The Great Barrier Reef Important - Term Paper
Multi strand Science HOW IS THE GREAT barrier reef MADE? Copy Figure 9, term papers on the great barrier reef. Include the underwater contours on your map. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional academic writers. Here you can order a professional work, term papers on the great barrier reef. Find a price that suits your requirements. How long is The Great Barrier Reef? Where is the reef widest?
Where is it narrowest? Why do you think it is called The Great Barrier Reef? Is it really a barrier? Which factors have set its Northern and Southern extent? What do you notice about the ocean depths to the East of the reef?
How does this determine the Eastward extent of the reef? Describe what would happen if the ocean level fell m. The reef is very deep towards the East of the reef but in the shallower bits there are lots of patch reefs which if the ocean was to fall m the reefs would die because they would be exposed and they would have to re-adapt.
What is the reef made from? How have changing sea levels affected the reef? The reef is made up of dead coral skeletons, which make term papers on the great barrier reef shape new coral, water plants and sea animals. When the sea levels where higher the reefs grew upwards, when the sea levels dropped the reef died, when the sea level rose again the new coral grew on top of the old coral.
What conditions favour the development of the reefs? What evidence in fig, term papers on the great barrier reef. Reef building corals live best in warm, salty and shallow waters of the tropics. Great Barrier Reef in Australia is the most famous example and is the largest barrier reef in the world.
usually form when islands surrounded by fringing reefs sink into the sea or the sea level rises around them these islands are often the tops of underwater volcanoes. The fringing reefs continue With our weather conditions the reef should continue to survive well for many years to come. WHAT IS CORAL? Using the information in fig. What is the difference between the coral polyp in fig. Which corals build reefs? Which part of the coral polyp helps to build a reef? The difference between a hard corals and soft corals is that a hard coral has a hard shell where as soft coral move around in the water.
sway with the tide When a hard coral dies a soft coral will attach itself and grow and when it matures form a hard shell. When do coral polyp feed? On what do they feed? How do they trap their pray?
Coral polyp feed at night time on zooplankton and other tiny animals. Study the different types of coral in fig. Make a sketch of each type. What are zooxanthellae? Why are they so important to the coral polyp? Zooxanthellae are the microscopic plant cells that live in the body tissue of each coral polyp. The zooxanthellae absorbs energy from the sun and passes it to the coral polyp. Describe what happens.
In the day the food in the polyps sack is digested. The tentacles are withdrawn into the cup. zooxanthellae feed on the waste materials produced by the polyp. The modern understanding of coral reefs begins in Charles Darwin's book, On the Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs. In this classic book written inhe distinguished three main types of reef: the fringing reef, the barrier reef, and the atoll.
The fringing reef occurs near the shoreline and basically follows the profile of the shore. Its stony corals need a firm base on which to They absorb energy from the sun and pass it to the polyp.
Describe how the reef builds up, term papers on the great barrier reef. When that coral dies the skeleton will be left and new coral will grow etc. Corals live in colonies.
What does this mean? Using the information from fig. Colony- A group of similar organisms living close together. A colony of adult polyps let off planulae. The planulae attaches itself to something and new polyp and new colonies form. WHAT DOES THE REEF LOOK LIKE? Study fig. At which tide was this taken?
How can you tell? What danger faces the coral term papers on the great barrier reef this time? This photo was taken at low tide as the reef is being exposed above the water.
At low tide the reefs are at risk of drying out the coral and killing it. Where are ribbon reefs located? What do you notice about their location in relation to the coast?
Why are they called ribbon reefs? How where ribbon reefs formed? Why are the waters behind ribbon reefs sheltered?
They are positioned in the shallower waters closer to the coast then the patch reefs. The ribbon reef is a long narrow winding section of reef that can over 20 km in length. Where have fringing reefs formed? Why is the coral reef on the windward side usually narrower than the than the reef on the leeward side of most continental islands? Fringing reefs are formed in the shallow waters along the sides of continental islands.
They are usually narrower on the windward side because they are exposed to the south easterly swell. How are the channels between the reefs formed? Why are the channels kept term papers on the great barrier reef of coral? Patch reefs form in the shallow waters of the continental shelf. They are usually round or oval in shape and grow like a platform. The Channels which separate the patch reefs are formed by the changing tides.
Currents generated by the rising and falling of tides keep the channels clear of coral. HOW ARE CAYS FORMED? How are coral colonies broken down? Coral colonies are broken down by destructive waves, certain types of marine life like the crown of thorns starfish, sponges, molluscs, worms and fish also by people trampling on it. Abstract Investigated in this report are some of the different ways tourism is causing damage to one of our most prestige's natural wonders, The Great Barrier Reef.
The information included in the Report was gathered from well-known organizations such as the Great Barrier Reef Marin Park Authority, who also commissioned the report. The report deals with the more noticeable causes of damage that Explain how each of the following contribute to the formation of a coral cay fig. This rubble then becomes stable as more of it is washed up.
Birds come and deposit seed and phosphate other seeds are carried to the cay by the ocean currents. Grasses and creepers that are strong enough o withhold salt spray, strong sunlight and dry conditions grow, this helps to hold the sand together.
Soil begins to develop and more and more fresh rain water is trapped beneath the sand, helping shrubs and forests to develop. Copy fig.
Great Barrier Reef’s record coral cover isn’t the story scientists ‘want to talk about’
, time: 6:03Geography – Analysis of the Great Barrier Reef - Free Paper Sample

Sep 14, · The Great Barrier Reef along the North-Eastern Coast of Australia is a place that I am familiar with as I travelled to this destination several years ago. The geography of the Great Barrier Reef is such that it provides a comprehensive underwater ecosystem for thousands of different species of tropical fish as well as coral that make up an area The Great Barrier Reef is a scattering of thousands of individual reefs. The reefs is on the World Heritage List made by UNESCO, because of its size and its many different plants and fishes. The reef lies in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, the world's largest marine park. It has an area of nearly square kilometres. The reef region /5 Aug 20, · The Great Barrier Reef is the longest in the world system of corals located off the northeast coast of Australia, bordering with Coral blogger.com numbered whole area of km. the coast of Queensland. The simple marine animals called corals inhabit the Great Barrier Reef for more than a thousand years. 3, is the number of individual coral reefs, plus small coral islands, forming the
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