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Discrimination research paper outline

Discrimination research paper outline

discrimination research paper outline

 · Discrimination Research Paper. Topics: Discrimination, Racism, Race Pages: 4 ( words) Published: May 24, Research Report. Kevin Clerkley. Discrimination. Thesis Statement: Throughout the United States, there are millions of Americans who are struggling against direct and indirect discrimination How to Write an Essay About Discrimination  · Discrimination and Harassment at the Workplace. Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: Read Full Paper. Workplace discrimination leads to a mismatch between qualified workers and their jobs, and it carries significant economic consequences in the American workplace

Discrimination research paper outline

View sample prejudice, racism, and discrimination research paper. Browse research paper examples for more inspiration. If you need a psychology research paper written according to all the academic standards, you can always turn to our experienced writers for help. This is how your paper can get an A! Feel free to contact our writing service for professional assistance. We offer high-quality assignments for reasonable rates.

Prejudice i. Of these three concepts, prejudice is perhaps the most central and important, discrimination research paper outline. Prejudice underlies racism and is also believed to motivate acts of discrimination. Since the s, in particular, the pace of psychological research on prejudice has steadily increased.

Much like prejudice as a topic in international prose and poetry Larson, discrimination research paper outline,the psychology of prejudice reflects two main themes: a the psychology of the bigot, which seeks to understand why some people are prejudiced toward certain groups and their members, and b the psychology of the victim of prejudice and discrimination, which focuses on the psychological correlates and consequences of experiencing or perceiving oneself to be an object or target of prejudice or discrimination.

These two principal themes likewise provide the basic organization for this research paper. Research on the psychology of the discrimination research paper outline far exceeds that on the psychology of the victim of prejudice and discrimination. One reason for this differential emphasis undoubtedly stems from the optimistic view that if the psychology of bigotry could be truly understood, scientifically based remedial efforts could then be devised and deployed to reduce, if not eliminate, prejudice at its source within the bigot.

Yet, even if we suddenly possessed a magic bullet that instantly turned bigots into tolerant people, a strong case could be made for a psychology of the victim.

The task of addressing the social structural bases of prejudice within society and its institutions is apt to be far more daunting and difficult than reducing prejudices in individuals with psychological or other means—a formidable enough challenge in its own right.

The extant literature discrimination research paper outline prejudice is also so vast and diverse that one paper cannot realistically suffice to capture it all. The amount of psychological research on prejudice has, discrimination research paper outline some extent, waxed and waned over the last five decades of the twentieth century. The prejudice literature has also been characterized by different emphases or waves, such as whether prejudice is conceptualized as a form of psychopathology or is instead viewed discrimination research paper outline being the product of normal cognitive processes Duckitt, This research paper focuses on the historical continuity of key ideas and psychological explanations about prejudice over the past several decades and emphasizes links between classic and contemporary research on prejudice.

We begin, then, with the psychology of bigotry. Under this principal theme, discrimination research paper outline, the classic perspectives of authoritarian personality, just world, and belief congruence theories are considered first.

Though proposed in the s and s, these perspectives are still with us and remain important to our contemporary understanding of prejudice. For example, by focusing on beliefs and values, belief congruence theory presaged and anticipated more recent theories of racism considered later under the rubric of ambivalence approaches to prejudice and also has links to more recent perspectives on prejudice and impression formation.

After considering ambivalence approaches, discrimination research paper outline, our focus shifts to automatic and controlled processing approaches to prejudice, especially the dissociation model and recent innovations in measuring prejudice with automatic activation procedures.

The final section under the psychology of bigotry highlights integrative approaches viz. Following that, the stressfulness of perceiving oneself to be a target of prejudice or discrimination and the consequences of stereotype threat for task performance, discrimination research paper outline, respectively, are considered.

Finally, the relationship of relative deprivation and perceived discrimination to protest and desires to take corrective action is considered. I begin, though, with the psychology of bigotry. The original theory of the authoritarian personality OTAPproposed by Adorno, discrimination research paper outline, Frenkel-Brunswik, Levinson, and Sanfordwas the first comprehensive and systematic attempt by psychologists to understand theoretically the roots of prejudice and to link ethnic, racial, religious, and ethnocentric prejudices to personality, discrimination research paper outline.

Adopting the research methodologies of mid-twentieth-century social and clinical psychology along with a guiding psychoanalytic theoretical perspective, Adorno et al. According to the OTAP, the child in such a family develops hostility but cannot express it toward the harsh, frustrating, but feared parents.

This submission leads the child to develop a sense of itself as dependent upon its parents and unable to defy their authority. Moreover, the child in an authoritarian family presumably deploys an array of defense mechanisms to deal with the repressed hostility felt toward its parents. Repressed hostility and other impulses unacceptable to its parents, such as aggression and sex, are displaced and projected by discrimination research paper outline child onto minority and subordinate groups as safe, alternative outlets.

As a result, the child in an authoritarian family presumably develops a rigid personality organization characterized by a moralistic attitude toward unconventional people and practices, prejudice toward minority and other out-groups, and a tendency to idealize power, status, strength, and toughness but to disdain tenderness, weakness, discrimination research paper outline, and discrimination research paper outline. The OTAP has several implications flowing from the central idea that prejudice toward ethnic and racial minorities and other target groups reflects an underlying, deep-seated personality structure in the bigot.

First, prejudice should relate to attitudes toward a variety of issues and objects e. Second, the authoritarian personality would be prejudiced toward a wide variety of target groups. Third, if prejudice is indeed deeply rooted in a personality structure, it should be difficult to change and would require depth-oriented techniques, such as psychotherapy and insight, that promote and produce profound personality change in the bigoted individual.

Adorno et al. minority groups, and U. The F scale was subsequently incorporated into numerous studies in the s and s. Though criticized at the time of its initial appearance and later for keying all its items in discrimination research paper outline direction and not correcting for acquiescence response set, the F scale was still sporadically used by psychological and survey researchers well up to the s.

Altemeyer persuasively detailed the inadequacies of the California F scale, most notably its lack of scale homogeneity and its saturation with response sets, especially acquiescence. Even more important, discrimination research paper outline, however, he created a psychometrically and conceptually appropriate scale of right-wing authoritarianism RWA that he has continued to refine see Altemeyer, Altemeyer defined RWA as the covariation of three attitudes: a authoritarian submission i.

For example, RWA is concentrated more among politicians of the right, fundamentalist Protestants, and the poorly educated. Also, parents outscore their university-age offspring in RWA. Second, whereas the OTAP discrimination research paper outline authoritarianism as a personality dimension with its developmental roots in infancy and early childhood, Altemeyer has viewed RWAas an attitudinal orientation that emerges and crystallizes in early adolescence, suggesting that it may be more readily amenable to change within the individual.

Finally, discrimination research paper outline, in addition to documenting its empirical links to prejudice, discrimination research paper outline, Altemeyerhas particularly focused on the political correlates of RWA. He has shown repeatedly that individuals usually university students scoring high on the RWA scale are reportedly more than willing discrimination research paper outline ready to punish others and to infringe upon and curtail their civil rights, especially those who threaten the social order.

RWA scale scores have also been found to discriminate well between provincial and state legislators in Canada and the United States belonging to right- and left-wing political parties. Research by Altemeyer and others indicates that the RWA scale correlates between. RWA correlates negatively with internal motivation e. RWA consistently correlates more highly, between. Indeed, Altemeyer contended that RWA is the single individual difference variable most relevant for predicting attitudes toward homosexuals, especially negative ones, discrimination research paper outline.

Studies by other investigators have likewise documented a consistently negative relationship between RWA and attitudes toward homosexuals and homosexuality e, discrimination research paper outline. Finally, a recent lexical approach to mapping the structure of social attitudes by Saucier showed that authoritarianism and RWA along with conservatism and religiousness defined discrimination research paper outline first and largest of three factors in the domain of social attitudes and beliefs.

The BJW presumably enables us to view our world as a safe, predictable place where we can expect to obtain desired rewards and to avoid unpleasant outcomes. Individuals go to considerable lengths to maintain and protect their BJW in the face of contrary information. Questionnaire measures of the BJW consistently correlate with the tendency to blame visible victims e. However, the BJW construct is conceptually and empirically distinguishable from authoritarianism.

Authoritarianism loaded on a xenophobia factor characterized by high loading for authoritarianism, adherence to the Protestant ethic a belief in the virtues of hard work and effortattitudes toward social changes, and negative attitudes toward both minority groups and out-groups e.

By contrast, the BJW loaded on a win-lose view of the world, in which winners e. The BJW also correlates positively, but only modestly i. In turn, discrimination research paper outline, believing oneself to have been victimized as a target of prejudice or discrimination also appears to affect the BJW adversely. Birt and Dion found that in Toronto, the greater the perceived discrimination against homosexuals as a group, the weaker was the BJW among gay and lesbian respondents.

Thus, jus tworld theory and the BJW have relevance for the psychology of being a victim of prejudice and discrimination as well as the psychology of bigotry. Rokeach criticized the OTAP for focusing on rightwing authoritarianism, contending that authoritarianism need not be tied inextricably to either right- or left-wing political views. As an alternative, he proposed the construct of closedmindedness or dogmatism and developed several Dogmatism Scales in an attempt to measure authoritarianism and to assess general authoritarianism of the political left as well as the political right.

Unfortunately, his Dogmatism Scales possess serious psychometric limitations and are relatively little used today. Moreover, if it exists, left-wing authoritarianism would involve resisting and opposing conventional and established authorities see Altemeyer, discrimination research paper outline,for an interesting discussion of dogmatism and left-wing authoritarianism and some new prospective scales for measuring these dimensions. In the same book on the open and closed mind, however, Rokeach, Smith, discrimination research paper outline, and Discrimination research paper outline also proposed an important perspective on prejudice: belief congruence theory BCT, discrimination research paper outline.

According to BCT, individuals cognitively organize their psychological world along the lines of belief congruence, liking those with similar beliefs and discrimination research paper outline those with dissimilar beliefs. Although the link between attitude similarity and interpersonal attraction had already been well demonstrated by that point, Rokeach et al. Thus, according to BCT, the racial conflict between Blacks and Whites in the United States is not due to race per se but rather to opposite or conflicting stands on key issues such as affirmative action in employment and education.

In other words, racial and ethnic prejudice, as two examples, presumably reflect belief prejudice. BCT clearly suggests research in which belief is pitted against group membership characteristics such as race or ethnicity.

Rokeach et al. For example, Type R pairs varied in race but kept belief constant e. a Black person who believes in God. Type B pairs kept race constant but varied belief a Black person who believes in God vs. a Black person who is an atheist. Type RB pairs varied both race and belief simultaneously, discrimination research paper outline.

Differences in friendliness ratings for members of a stimulus person pair were taken as reflecting discrimination. Likewise, Rokeach and Mezei showed that belief similarity excels race in predicting pBibliography: for work partners among employment applicants following actual interpersonal interaction and discussion between Black and White participants with similar and dissimilar beliefs on an issue. BCT remains as relevant a theory of prejudice in the twenty-first century as it was in the latter half of the twentieth century, largely due to the research over the past several decades of Insko and his colleagues e.

For example, Insko et al. They concluded that the weak version of BCT was clearly supported by the evidence, whereas the strong version was more problematic e. Cox et al. For White respondents, discrimination research paper outline, race effects i. The effects of belief similarity affected all of their dependent variables and were constant across decades for White respondents. For Black respondents, more complex findings were obtained: Specifically, race effects i. BCT has clear links to contemporary perspectives on impression formation and prejudice.

For example, Cox et al. In the latter model, a perceiver begins with categorical information viz. about a person but proceeds, if time permits and circumstances require, to process individuating information e. BCT has also been extended to the value domain.

Research Paper Outline Overview

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Discrimination Research Papers | WePapers

discrimination research paper outline

 · Discrimination Research Paper. Topics: Discrimination, Racism, Race Pages: 4 ( words) Published: May 24, Research Report. Kevin Clerkley. Discrimination. Thesis Statement: Throughout the United States, there are millions of Americans who are struggling against direct and indirect discrimination Discrimination comprises the unequal treatment or denial of social inclusion to members of the society based on their gender, sexual orientation, race, and religion. Discrimination negatively affects the society and creates a long-term negative impact on the welfare of the society. Most people face discrimination in various aspects of life due Gender Discrimination Research Paper Outline Thesis: Gender discrimination is unfair rights between female and male depending on dissimilar gender roles leading to unequal treatment in life. My thesis explain how women rights are discriminated over those of men. Gender discrimination create a many problems in well-being women. Questions What are major causes of gender discrimination?

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